April 1, 2019
Komunikat prasowy

Brain Corp debiutuje autonomicznym robotem dostawczym napędzanym przez BrainOS®

Ikona skanera robotów



SAN DIEGO, CA, Apr. 2, 2019 - Brain Corp, a San Diego-based AI company creating transformative core technology for the robotics industry, today announced the introduction of AutoDelivery, a new proof-of-concept robot powered by BrainOS.BrainOS is a commercial operating system for the production, deployment, and support of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). The technology currently powers multiple machines within the robotic floor care industry, including those made by Tennant, Minuteman, ICE, and SoftBank Robotics. The company also recently announced a collaboration with Nilfisk, a Copenhagen-based leader in the cleaning space.

Brain Corp’s newest product, an autonomous tug powered by BrainOS, is capable of operating across a variety of public environments, enabling the seamless transportation and delivery of goods from point A to B. Capable of towing several common cart types, AutoDelivery provides easily customized, automated delivery solutions for commercial and retail facilities, as well as warehouses and factories. By utilizing Brain Corp’s newest robot, users can improve workflows, boost productivity, increase efficiency, and reduce interruptions.

“This planned expansion beyond floor care and into the delivery space has primed BrainOS to become the industry standard when building AMRs,” says John Black, Brain Corp’s Senior Vice President of New Product Development. “Cited as the world’s top Autonomy Solution Provider by ABI Research, BrainOS and its promise of form factor and application flexibility is well represented through our introduction of AutoDelivery.”

Brain Corp is currently exploring potential manufacturing partners for the delivery robot and projects a commercial launch of the product in early 2020. The product will be demonstrated in Chicago, IL, April 8-11 at ProMat Show 2019.“The integration of BrainOS into not just another form factor, but an entirely new vertical outside of floor care further proves the robustness and extensibility of the BrainOS platform,” says Brain Corp Co-Founder and CEO, Dr. Eugene Izhikevich. “With the introduction of a delivery robot powered by BrainOS, we are another step closer to fulfilling our vision of a world where the lives of people are made safer, easier, more productive, and more fulfilling with the help of robots.”

About BrainOS®BrainOS is a cloud-connected operating system for commercial autonomous robots. Robots powered by BrainOS navigate autonomously, avoid obstacles, adapt to changing environments, manage data, generate reports, and seamlessly interact with human users and other robots. These core capabilities are all enabled by BrainOS, empowering robot builders to focus on product differentiation and greatly streamline time to market.

About Brain CorpBrain Corp is a San Diego-based AI company creating transformative core technology for the robotics industry. Brain Corp’s comprehensive solutions support the builders of today's autonomous machines in successfully producing, deploying, and supporting robots across commercial industries and applications. Brain Corp is funded by the SoftBank Vision Fund and Qualcomm Ventures. For more information please visit: https://www.braincorp.com/###Brain Corp Media Contact:

Alicia Griffiths




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