Calculate the value of autonomous cleaning


Our calculator shows you the value you can gain by deploying autonomous cleaning robots. See how BrainOS®-powered AMRs drive efficiency and profitability for your business.

How the calculator works

An icon of a cursor in a field input.

Input your facility details

Enter the number and size of your locations, along with your current cleaning labor costs. Estimate what you don’t know. The calculator tailors results to your unique operation.

An icon of a money bag.

See your custom cost savings

Instantly see how much you can save with robotic automation. The calculator uses the size of your facilities and cost of labor to estimate your productivity – and therefore cost – gains.

Icon of a bar chart with an upward-moving arrow

Build your ROI business case

Armed with these projections, you can make a strong case for investing in autonomous cleaning. Gain stakeholder buy-in and feel confident in your decision.