November 16, 2016
Komunikat prasowy

Brain Corp zdobywa nagrodę CONNECT za najbardziej innowacyjny produkt

Ikona skanera robotów



Brain Corp (“Brain”), an A.I. company specializing in the development of self-driving technology for robots, has won the award for Most Innovative Product (MIP) in the Robotics and Unmanned Vehicle category, at the 30th annual Most Innovative New Product Awards, hosted by CONNECT, a leading start-up accelerator and entrepreneurship educator, based in San Diego. The CONNECT MIP Awards recognize cutting edge technology and product innovations developed within the last 18-months, by San Diego’s most innovative companies.

Brain won the MIP award for their proprietary robotics A.I. platform, BrainOS®, a self-driving technology that is a major breakthrough in the collaborative robotics market. It empowers organizations, large and small, to bring innovative, autonomous products to market, without undertaking expensive and lengthy R&D initiatives, so they can compete with major brands in the global marketplace.

”We are thrilled that BrainOS® has been recognized among the most innovative technologies to come out of San Diego,” said Dr. Eugene Izhikevich, CEO & co-founder of Brain Corp. “From delivery, healthcare and security robots, to robots that take care of us in the home, BrainOS® is poised to become the Android OS of the robotics world.”

BrainOS® integrates with off-the-shelf sensors to provide a cost-effective “brain” for robots. Its computer vision and A.I. libraries provide advanced self-driving capabilities to enable robots to navigate the cluttered and dynamic environments we live in.

“We are at the forefront of creating robotic solutions that will not only enhance people’s daily lives, but also empower them to focus on higher value tasks” said Phil Duffy, VP of Innovation at Brain Corp. “We believe the real power of our BrainOS® platform will come from the collaboration that develops between people and robots.”As part of the company’s mission to power robots everywhere, Brain recently announced a strategic partnership with SoftBank Robotics, to develop a new line of commercial products powered by BrainOS®.

About CONNECTCONNECT is a premier innovation company accelerator in San Diego that creates and scales innovative companies in the technology and life sciences sectors. By creating an environment in which entrepreneurs and C-suite executives have access to the people, capital, and technology resources, CONNECT have assisted in the formation and development of more than 3,000 companies since 1985. Widely regarded as one of the world’s most successful organizations linking entrepreneurs and C-suite executives with essential commercialization; their program has been modeled in more than 50 regions around the world.

Brain Operating System (BrainOS®)BrainOS is the foundation of Brain Corp’s platform technology. It is a proprietary operating system that integrates with off-the-shelf hardware and sensors to provide a cost-effective “brain” for robots. It plays the same role as Android OS for smartphones, but also includes computer vision and A.I. libraries that provide advanced self-driving capabilities for cluttered and dynamic indoor and outdoor environments.

About Brain CorpBrain Corp. is a San Diego-based A.I. company that partners with manufacturers of commercial equipment and consumer electronics, to convert their manually-operated products into autonomous robots. Brain Corp’s technology represents the next generation of artificial brains for robots. Brain Corporation is funded by the SoftBank Vision Fund and Qualcomm Ventures. For more information or to access videos of its robots, please visit more information or to access videos of its robots, please visit

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