June 20, 2018
Komunikat prasowy

Dyrektor ds. strategii w Brain Corp, Lauren Lindner, wystąpi na konferencji San Diego Startup Week 2018

Ikona skanera robotów



SAN DIEGO, CA, June 21, 2018 -- Brain Corp, an AI company specializing in the development of self-driving technology for robots, announced today it will present at San Diego Startup Week 2018, discussing the opportunities and challenges of taking an idea from concept to execution then growing it into a viable global business.San Diego Startup Week 2018 takes place June 25-29, 2018 and is organized by Startup San Diego. This annual event brings together members of San Diego’s entrepreneurial community to support, strengthen, and celebrate the city’s thriving innovation scene. Featured at this year’s event are six educational tracks including Idea, Seed, Growth, Development, Marketing & Sales and Design.Presenting at this year’s San Diego Startup Week is Brain Corp’s Director of Strategy, Lauren Lindner. In her role at Brain, she is responsible for growing overall brand awareness, assessing new application verticals for the BrainOS® autonomy platform and helping implement subsequent growth plans. “Like many startups developing disruptive technologies, Brain needed to think about how to expand its software platform into new markets early on,” said Lindner. “Thinking about growth and maneuvering towards scalability is integral to any business’ long-term viability.” She continued, “I’m eager to share the Brain story with other early-stage businesses at this year’s San Diego Startup Week to help them navigate towards their own enduring success.”Limited seats are available at this event. Those interested in attending can learn more and register here: https://sandiegostartupweek2018.sched.com/ About Brain CorporationBrain Corporation (Brain Corp) is a San Diego-based AI company that partners with manufacturers of commercial equipment and consumer electronics to convert their manually-operated products into autonomous robots. Brain Corp’s technology represents the next generation of artificial brains for robots. Brain Corporation is funded by the SoftBank Vision Fund and Qualcomm Ventures. For more information or to access videos of its robots, please visit http://www.braincorp.com.About Startup San DiegoStartup San Diego, the organization behind San Diego Startup Week, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) grass roots, volunteer-based group of entrepreneurs, mentors and investors who have created a simple platform to grow the greater San Diego startup community.

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