August 13, 2018

5 wyzwań podczas tworzenia autonomicznych systemów nawigacji

Ikona skanera robotów



VP of Innovation, Phil Duffy, and Director of Innovation, Paul Behnke, team up for Brain Corp’s first on demand webinar. Originally aired live on August 8, 2018. Robotics is a complex nexus of hardware, software, firmware, UI/UX, cloud and beyond...and growing a successful startup in the field is a difficult, complex and oftentimes grueling initiative. Join experts Phil Duffy & Paul Behnke of Brain Corp to learn how to navigate the intricacies of building a robotics & AI startup.

In this On-Demand webinar you will:

  • Learn more about the unique challenges robotics startups face, and what it takes to truly scale successfully.
  • Hear best practices and recommendations as it relates to the development, deployment, and management of a robotic product.


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Pozycja 6

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