April 12, 2020

Wykorzystanie robotów do pielęgnacji podłóg wśród sprzedawców detalicznych rośnie wraz z kryzysem zdrowotnym

Ikona skanera robotów



Retailers ramped up their use of robotic floor scrubbers as the COVID-19 outbreak grew during the first quarter, highlighting the strong value that robotics can deliver in helping support workers on the front lines of the crisis.

Autonomous usage of BrainOS-powered cleaning machines in retail locations in the U.S. spiked 13.6 percent in March 2020, compared to the same month last year, and 13 percent during the first three months of this year, according to internal network data from its robotic fleet. Working through its OEM partners, Brain Corp has deployed or enabled 10,000 autonomous robots, mostly in retail.

“This health crisis has brought the value of automation and robotics sharply into focus, especially among grocers and essential businesses,” said Phil Duffy, Vice President of Product for Brain Corp. “Robotic floor scrubbers not only enhance cleaning efficiency, but also free up people’s time for high-value tasks. We expect this usage trend to continue in April as the COVID-19 crisis deepens.”

On average, Brain-enabled cleaning robots are providing more than 8,000 hours of daily work — equal to a quarter million hours over the next 30 days — that otherwise would have to be done by an essential worker or professional cleaner. This is valuable time that can be used for sanitizing high-contact surfaces, restocking, or even taking a much-needed break.

“Essential employees nationwide are risking their health on behalf of our communities,” Duffy said. “We are committed to supporting their efforts through best-in-class technology and strong manufacturing partnerships.”

For commercial cleaning best practices, visit our COVID-19 blog resources.

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