February 21, 2021

Tennant wprowadza na rynek trzecią zrobotyzowaną szorowarkę do podłóg z systemem BrainOS

Pielęgnacja podłogi
Ikona skanera robotów



Tennant Company, one of Brain Corp’s OEM partners and a leading cleaning equipment manufacturer, today announced the launch of a new BrainOS-powered robotic floor scrubber, the T16AMR, which is designed to clean large industrial spaces such as logistics and manufacturing facilities.

The industrial-grade scrubber is the third autonomous mobile robot (AMR) that Tennant has launched in the last three years using Brain Corp’s AI-driven robotics software platform, BrainOS. Tennant launched its first autonomous solution in 2018, with the introduction of the T7AMR. Last fall, it launched the T380AMR, which is designed for cleaning narrow aisles and smaller site footprints.

Like all BrainOS-enabled units, the T16AMR can operate in complex, real-world environments without direct operator control. This is especially valuable during the ongoing health crisis as organizations struggle to balance staff shortages with increased cleaning protocols. The unit can also provide detailed operational metrics via the BrainOS platform to help verify and optimize cleaning performance.

The T16AMR is available now for pre-order and will launch within the US and Canada in April. More specific details about the unit will become available on March 15.

Click here to read the full press release on Tennant’s website.

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