May 16, 2019

Brain Corp tworzy nowy system BrainOS do skalowania robotyki w różnych branżach

Ikona skanera robotów



This case study was written by Brain Corp in collaboration with NVIDIA for their product showcase. Published on May 17, 2019.

Being a leader in software means working with the industry’s best-in-class hardware providers. Brain Corp collaborated closely with the NVIDIA Jetson team during development of Whiz, a commercial autonomous vacuum from SoftBank Robotics (SBR). NVIDIA’s Jetson TX2 module outfitted Whiz with advanced perception capabilities, supported by the real-time processing of LIDAR, odometry, 3D, and RGB camera data at the edge.

Learn more about how Brain Corp worked with NVIDIA to provide SBR with a high-performance and cost effective robotics solution.


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